The Most Empowering Thing You Can Do Is Move On
you believe it or not, letting go and moving on has a lot of power. We know it
doesn't appear that way and understand that you are concentrating on the past
at this time.
believe that if you keep thinking about what happened, you will be able to
figure it out. Maybe if you think about it long enough, things will fall into
place and you'll understand the pattern and explanation for the bad things that
have happened in the past.
So, let
us ask you something. This probably isn't the first time you've considered that
possibility but the tenth or hundredth time? What happened the days before when
you were thinking this way? What happened the day before? The truth is that
dwelling on the past will not assist you in any way. Life may be really
difficult at times.
if you are entirely honest with yourself, you will realise that your life is
not a complete disaster, even though horrible things have happened in the past.
Sure, you may be dissatisfied in some aspects of your life. This is something
that no one is immune to. This is a part of life.
You must
realise that, despite your frustration and ongoing unhappiness with certain
aspects of your life, there are areas in which you can improve. All you need is
a clear picture of your life. If you did, you'd immediately discover that
things aren't all doom and gloom. It isn't completely dark with no light
patches. In reality, if your life is like most other people's, you'll have a
lot of gloomy times, but there will also be some bright spots. Find out what
they are. Recognise that these rays of light represent rays of hope in your
life. In some areas, you haven't fully dropped the ball. You haven't made a
full blunder. Isn't that reason enough to rejoice? Isn't that something to
rejoice over?
on these and then try to move on. Concentrate on the reality that you are in
charge of these. With enough time, your sphere of influence in your life may
expand. Believe me when I say that if you don't focus on these areas of
control, they won't expand. "Where your focus goes, energy flows," as
the adage goes.
How can
you master your life or take full control of your life if the things you can't
control consume so much of your mental energy? I'm referring to people from the
past. I'm referring to events that occurred in the past. I'm referring to
people you can't control right now.
on your area of expertise, which is how you respond to events in your life.
This is your command center. It's your only sphere of influence, but the good
news is that the more you concentrate on it, the more competent and
self-assured you will become. As a result, you'll be able to become a more
responsible and strong individual. Concentrate on these and divert your
attention and emotional energy away from what you usually waste your time on.